Atlas of Regional Dermatology: Diagnosis & Treatment

Atlas of Regional Dermatology: Diagnosis & Treatment (Martin Dunitz) Kitasato Univ., Sagamihara, Japan. Highly illustrated atlas examines the physical signs of over 300 skin disorders by body region, giving definitions and causes of the diseases, and a full discussion of the treatment. Full-color, grap ...

Atlas of Regional Dermatology: Diagnosis & Treatment

List Price: USD $192.00
Lowest Used Price: USD $150.00
Price is accurate as of the date/time indicated. Prices and product availability are subject to change. Any price displayed on the Amazon website at the time of purchase will govern the sale of this product.

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Product Description
(Martin Dunitz) Kitasato Univ., Sagamihara, Japan. Highly illustrated atlas examines the physical signs of over 300 skin disorders by body region, giving definitions and causes of the diseases, and a full discussion of the treatment. Full-color, graphic illustrations. For dermatologists and general practitioners.

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