Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology (2 Volume Set)

Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology (2 Volume Set) Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK. Third author, Neil Prose, is with Duke Univ., Durham, NC. Text/reference discusses common diseases and many rare disorders which occur in children. Includes current advances in molecular genetics ...

Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology (2 Volume Set)

List Price: USD $559.95
Lowest Used Price: USD $415.00
Lowest New Price: USD $366.67
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Features :
Product Description
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK. Third author, Neil Prose, is with Duke Univ., Durham, NC. Text/reference discusses common diseases and many rare disorders which occur in children. Includes current advances in molecular genetics and the latest modalities in treatment. Abundant color illustrations. For residents and clinicians.

Customer Reviews

Indispensable! (2000-07-05)
Definitively the maximum! only for the authors' quality (many countries), photos and inclusion of information already turn it indispensable. It is the reference in pediatric dermatology.

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